5 New Beers to Find in 2014

New Year = New Beer!

This year I’m on the hunt for new and exciting beers to try as well as my quest for my 2,000th unique beer. As for what makes up my t0-try list for this year so far — It’s starting as a short list that will get longer as the year progresses.

Here’s what I’ll be hunting:

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Hipsters Order Beer [Video]

Here’s something fun from Huffington Post – hipsters ordering craft beer. As craft beer lovers we have a particular way of describing things and know what to look for in aroma and flavor but we all know ‘that guy’ who takes it a bit too far. A little snobbery so to speak. If while watching this video you get offended you may just be that guy. Try not to take yourself so seriously. I’ll take a Christian Bale Ale please!

World Diabetes Day and How I Celebrated with Beer

wdd logo

The other day I was trying to explain to my husband why I love World Diabetes Day so much. This is the best way I could think of to describe it – it’s like Christmas. Not the gift giving part of Christmas but the hopeful, world peace, group hug part of Christmas. For this one day I feel like we all come together and embrace each other. It’s wonderful.

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Tap Takeovers and Why You Should Go

My inbox has been a flood of beer events of late and I promise this is not a complaint. Who in the world could be unhappy about a bunch of bars nearby hosting a pile of awesome breweries, beer reps, and head brewers and of course their beers? While nothing beats going to the brewery itself a tap takeover event provides a great opportunity for everyone involved as long as you go. So, why should you go?

yards brewing

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4 New Beers You Won’t Want to Miss

In the craft beer industry seasonal and limited edition beers are like gold. Some of us adore pumpkin beers, some are nuts for summer ales, but all-in-all we can always appreciate something new.

Luckily for us, breweries like to keep it fresh too and are constantly providing us with something to look forward to. This time of year is no exception. Looking for something new to sip on? Get ready for a few new surprises on the horizon. Continue reading

IPA Day Returns


Starting in 2011, in the craft beer community began to recognize the first Thursday in August as a celebration known as IPA Day. This designated holiday recognizing the signature beer of the craft beer drinker, the India Pale Ale or IPA, is meant for the world to come together via social media to unite and open conversation about your favorite brew of the day. There are even organized events across the country where craft beer drinkers can come together. So, why have IPA Day and how can you celebrate? Continue reading

Crabs n Kegs – Brewery at Hershey Event

crabs n kegs

Do you love crabs? Do you love craft beer? Do you love them together? Why am I even asking, of course you do! How about saving 10%? This weekend, The Brewery at Hershey is hosing a preview before their official launch featuring some of their beers paired with a fantastic crab boil.

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REVIEW: 2013 Craft Brewers Conference | SaraBozich.com

This year I had the pleasure of attending the Craft Brewer’s Conference thanks to our friends at Beer Street Journal. The week that I was there was a complete whirlwind of activities – seminars and sessions, tap takeovers, interviews, and of course lots of beer drinking. Check out my summary here:

REVIEW: 2013 Craft Brewers Conference | SaraBozich.com.