5 New Beers to Find in 2014

New Year = New Beer!

This year I’m on the hunt for new and exciting beers to try as well as my quest for my 2,000th unique beer. As for what makes up my t0-try list for this year so far — It’s starting as a short list that will get longer as the year progresses.

Here’s what I’ll be hunting:

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4 New Beers You Won’t Want to Miss

In the craft beer industry seasonal and limited edition beers are like gold. Some of us adore pumpkin beers, some are nuts for summer ales, but all-in-all we can always appreciate something new.

Luckily for us, breweries like to keep it fresh too and are constantly providing us with something to look forward to. This time of year is no exception. Looking for something new to sip on? Get ready for a few new surprises on the horizon. Continue reading